Camera Arrived

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Seek Compact ProThe camera has arrived! Here are some pictures of it as well as a youtube video of the box opening.

iPhone with Seek Compact Pro

One image shows the Compact Pro attached to an iPhone 6S Plus. The camera is actually hooked up in selfie mode, but that is more to show you the size of the unit compared to the phone.

iPad with Seek Compact Pro

Similarily there is an image which shows the Compact Pro connected to an iPad Air 2. Same setup, selfie placement. Just unplug the camera and face it the other way around and you are ready for business (unless you are wanting to take a thermal selfie).

Here is the box opening video of the Compact Pro.

Website Registered

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We placed an order for the Seek CompactPro camera on September 22, 2020. Even before receiving it, I figured I was going to be taking a lot of pretty cool videos. There are a bunch of "Guys" on the internet who specialize on a specific topic. You have Slomo Guys. You have Piano Guys. I figured there is enough room out there for this niche area, so now there is the Thermal Guy.

I checked to see if the website had been registered. It wasn't, so I registered it on September 24, 2020.

Things are happening a bit backwards here. I haven't even taken a thermal image yet, but I am making a website on thermal imagery and videography.

Not to worry though, things will fall into place (so I keep telling myself).

There will be the box opening for the camera in a subsequent blog entry, followed by the new series of videos on thermal videography.

Thermal Camera Ordered

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I have been fascinated about thermal imagery and videography for some time. So I decided to purchase a camera.

After doing some research, there were options within my price range. I figured I would buy an attachment for a smartphone. There are 2 major players out there for this type of attachment - FLIR and Seek.

Comparing the specifications of 2 similar models, I decided to go with the Seek CompactPro camera. Although both FLIR and Seek had their pros and cons, I leaned towards the Seek CompactPro camera with the sensor size as the deciding factor.

I placed the order on September 22, 2020 through Amazon. The order is expected to arrive on the following Monday.

Stay tuned.